As you may have already seen or heard, our annual JOG A THON is scheduled for Friday, September 27th (weather permitting).
Day of Event Info:
Come JOIN US for our JOG A THON! We invite EVERYONE (family, friends, cousins, aunts uncles, neighbors…) to come attend this school wide event. In fact, we invite you to participate with your student(s) & join in the jog! We also encourage SIGNS or any appropriate item(s) to help cheer our Miners on as they JOG for our school!
The track(s) will be OUTSIDE in the grass field behind the school, please dress your student accordingly for the weather as well as ensure they have appropriate footwear.
K-1 9:15am-10:00am. (10 min warm up 15 min run 10 min snack)
2-3 10:00am-10:45am. (10 min warm up 15 min run 10 min snack)
4-5 10:45am-11:30am. (10 min warm up 20 min run 10 min snack)
Each classroom will be assigned a “color” to wear on the day of the jog-a-thon that represents their class. This will also help the younger students know where to have their lap counted. Please look for the sign indicating what “turn” your student(s) class will begin on in the field. Your student’s teacher will let you know what color their class.
Rebel Roast Food Truck will be available for purchase from 8:30am-11:00am. (not for student purchase).
Thank You for helping make this a successful event!
~Silver Trail PTA
You are still able to gather “physical” donations using the provided donation form. All pledge forms/donations are due Friday September 27th , Please send any donations collected personally, (not via along with the completed donation form (do not write down online donations) in a sealed envelope to your child’s teacher. (Accepted 10/3 at the latest)